Tag Archives: lil pop shop

Week in Photos

Happy Friday lovely readers!

I hope that you had a wonderful week! I don’t have a photo of this, but I have to say that something that made my week very nice was my new food processor. Seriously love it. I’ve already made these burgers and also a big batch of this veggie slaw that we’ve enjoyed all week. What are you favorite recipes using your food processor? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to know!

And here, in photos, are four other things that made my week special.

{These two. So much cuteness all around. :)}


{This apricot. The best. Thanks Three Springs. :)}


{This muffin. I made these peach muffins and added blueberries on top. Delicious!}


{These ice pops. Coconut hibiscus for me and watermelon rhubarb for Greg. Thanks Lil’ Pop Shop!}


I hope that whatever you do this weekend, you enjoy it. Talk to you Monday!